Topic-icon Rules Questions from a Newbie

zenai2020 created the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 11 months ago

Hi, I would appreciate if I can get some clarification on the following:
1) When doing Direct Activation, can I use 2 orders to fire both my Gunnery and Torpedo attacks? Or was it intentionally limited so you have to choose either or?
2) So, in a single turn, I can maneuver then attack or attack first then maneuver for the single same squadron?
3) Am I correct to say you would be unable to launch torpedoes during the Indirect Activation phase?
4) Am I correct to assume that you can mix the maneuver and attack direct activations for each squadron? For example, I can move my battleship squadron first but then maneuver and attack with both cruiser and destroyer squadrons then finally attack with my battleship squadron?
5) Are you able to do each of the indirect activations i.e. repeat fire/rapid fire then compulsory move then rally, or you can only choose to do one?
6) I assume you must still alternate indirect activations with your opponent like you would do with direct activations. Is that correct?
7) Let's say I'm firing the HMS Prince of Wales' 14"/45 guns at the USS North Carolina. 4 Hits so does it mean that I roll 12 armor rolls (since each hit from the Prince of Wales' 14"/45 guns would give 3 damage according to its damage rating)?
8) For Superstructure hits, when it says "damaged is capped at 2 damage per hit", does it mean I just roll 2 dice for each hit (even though my DMG rating is 3) or I just roll how many dice according to the DMG rating per hit so if I can get 3 damage, it is lowered to actually 2 damage. However, it does not stop multiple hits thus, for example, 2 hits that passed the armor roll could give 4 damage.
9) Is the Damage Effect cumulative from all guns or only for one type of gun that was fired? For example, Prince of Wales' 2 Primary weapons at the bow and stern would sum up its damage rather than each weapon system would accumulate its own total damage.

Thanks in advance!

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Naval War HQ replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 11 months ago

Hello Zenai, thank you for your questions! It seems that you have studied the rulebook since most of your assumptions are correct. I’ll answer your questions point by point:
Correct, you need to use two seperate activations to fire both guns and torpedoes, you cannot do both in the same activation. This also means that your opponent gets to make his own activation between the two.
Yes, this opens up a lot of tactical options for you to consider.
Yes, there is no ‘repeat fire’ option for torpedoes
Correct, as long as each squadron does not use the same activation twice during a turn.
Yes, Each indirect activation can be made by each squadron. Again, as long as it does not use the same activation twice.
Correct, but it’s your opponent that rolls for armor, not you.
The first option is correct. Your weapon’s damage is essentialy capped at 2. The last part of your question is a bit confusing though… Any hit from whatever weapon that passes the armor roll causes only one hullpoint of damage. The damage rating of the weapon only tells you how many armor rolls need to be made for each hit.

Correct, in general, each weapon system of the same type is cumulative. Exeptions can be made if one chooses to split fire or when Line of Sight issues are in play.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask them, I hope you guys will enjoy your Naval War games!

Game designer

"That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been;" -Ecclesiastes-
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zenai2020 replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 11 months ago

Thanks for the clarification! :D Oh, so that means technically the attack direct activation for gunnery is not the same thing as the attack direct activation for torpedoes?

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Naval War HQ replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 11 months ago

Yup, that is correct

Game designer

"That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been;" -Ecclesiastes-

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zenai2020 replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 11 months ago

I appreciate the clarification. I'll be playing my first game this weekend with some friends.

A simple naval exercise between USN and RN. USN will field a battleship plus 3 cruisers while the RN will have a battleship of their own and 6 escorting destroyers. I will try to remember to take pictures and post them up in the battle reports.

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Denard replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 9 months ago


I got two question's.

May i keep unused ordre token's for thé next Turn ?

I Troy to use a manoever direct advanced activation ordre for 1 ordre token (Britannia rules thé Waves )
My opponent disrupt my order and i fait thé test résulting in "Order fails no added effect ".
-Is thé manoever activation considéred as to havé bien done (can i Try another activation ?)
-Shall i move my squadron's as à compulsory movement du ring indirect activation?

Thank you

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Naval War HQ replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 9 months ago

Hello Denard,

- All remaining order (and disruption) tokens are discarded at the end of the turn
- Brittania rules the waves is an advanced maneuver activation. If you fail to perform the activation because of disruption, you may spend other order tokens to activate those squadrons as normal as they have not yet performed a maneuver this turn. You may however not try to activate 'Britannia rules the Waves' again as you cannot perform the same activation twice in the same turn. I do agree that this particular activation is a bit of an oddball. I might take a look at the wording to see if I can clarify it a bit and make it more consistent with the ' no activation twice in the same turn' rule.
- The squadron has not maneuvered yet, because of the failed activation, so you can choose to activate them in the indirect phase instead.

Game designer

"That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been;" -Ecclesiastes-

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Denard replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 9 months ago

Thank you for your Quick answer's

It' sur clear for me Now.

Best regard's

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Denard replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 9 months ago


I Got my first game Yesterday and we really enjoyed it ( in fact we played two game's one at 200 PT and one at 250 pt).

I got some questions .

1) About command check's
- I take some hit and one command Hull point is checked off. Do i have to make the test immediatly and so apply the brake off manoeuver immediatly also if i miss the test?

-What happend to an already breaked ship that receive some hit and shall perform another command check?

2) about Torpedoe's

-Is it possible for a ship that have two torp launcher at is middle to launch both of them at the same activation?

3) About Smoke

It will be interresting to explain more in detail how to deploy smoke and how your opponent deploy it if i miss the check ..we are not sure to have done well.

Thank's in advance

Best regard's


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Naval War HQ replied the topic: Rules Questions from a Newbie

6 years 9 months ago

Good to hear you've enjoyed your first games!
You take the test after the current ship finishes his shooting activation. You then apply the results immediately. So it is possible to have a ship break away before another ship in the same attacking squadron can take its shots.
Not much, it is already broken off, so you can ignore the test. You will however need to take the extra hits into account when rallying due to the 'deteriorating command' rule

Well, there is not much to it. You deploy the smoke with the tip on one of your ships' smokestacks, pointing towards the starting point of your movement this turn. If you fail, the wind has changed unexpectedly and your opponent can decide the angle it which the template will point, the starting point however, is still at the smokestack of your ship.

Good luck!

Game designer

"That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been;" -Ecclesiastes-

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