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- Red at morning, sailors take warning
Red at morning, sailors take warning
Pugliese created the topic: Red at morning, sailors take warning
8 years 3 months ago
Haguro and Nachi
Agano and Noshiro
Kagero DD's
Shiratsuyu DD's
DD Flotilla and leader
edit: forgot a pic
More War at Sea repaints. I'm really hoping to replace the two Myokos with Shapeways figs as soon as I'm able, because the WAS ones are really, really off. I'll still probably keep them for sentimental reasons, but they'd only come out if I needed all four ships on the table at once. I actually had way more fun painting these than thought. Originally I had been researching specific ships and which naval arsenals that that they were associated with to try match grays, but based on Marqod's advice I went with a uniform blue-gray that sort of matches one of the arsenals instead. Chitose absolutely was my favorite of these to paint, with the Mogami probably running a close second.
Haguro and Nachi
Agano and Noshiro
Kagero DD's
Shiratsuyu DD's
DD Flotilla and leader
edit: forgot a pic
Last edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Pugliese.
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Pugliese replied the topic: Red at morning, sailors take warning
8 years 4 weeks ago
"Sugar Baker Sugar" Tankers and the tiniest sculpt in the WaS range
Type B1 Subs
More IJN additions: Nagato, Ise BB/CV Hybrid, some Type B1 subs, some objective ships, and planned/fantasy BC Amagi. With the exception of the tankers and Amagi, all are War at Sea repaints. The tankers are scratchbuilds inspired by some pictures I saw in a collection of images of Japanese shipping, while Amagi is a Shapeways sculpt from matt-atknsn in WSF. Amagi had a bit more lining on the flat surfaces than I've seen before on WSF models, and I didn't go after it aggressively enough. While not visible on the table, it haunts pretty much any picture I've tried taking of it. I had found those images of Japanese shipping in the following link. It's a pretty great resource if you need to make some objective ships for convoy missions, and I highly recommend giving it a look.
"Sugar Baker Sugar" Tankers and the tiniest sculpt in the WaS range
Type B1 Subs
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