Topic-icon Carrier clash deployment of subs and LDB

habaya created the topic: Carrier clash deployment of subs and LDB

4 years 9 months ago


we were playing Coral Sea Carrier Clash scenario last time and during deployment we put submarines on the opponents side (across the long distance boundary (LDB), outside the enemy deployment zone and min 40cm from enemy ships). As I understand this is valid, correct? Sadly, the opponent can position his ships at deployment to prevent this, but we still wanted to avoid an only-air clash. It was a fun game, forcing the carriers to dodge torpedos and friendly destroyers hunting them.

Also the rule says ships cannot cross the LDB and I assume this is also true for shooting. It makes sense, but it makes cruisers almost completely useless in the Coral Sea Carrier Clash scenario (they can help with air cover though). It would not be a problem if we knew in advance that the scenario will be carrier clash - but I assume we build fleets first and then decide on the scenario based luck from the matrix, So, if someone picked cruisers rather then destroyers than he would at a disadvantage.

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Naval War HQ replied the topic: Carrier clash deployment of subs and LDB

4 years 9 months ago

You are correct that you cannot shoot over the LDB.

You are also correct that this limits cruisers and battleships mainly to their AA capability. But, based on the matrix, your fleet can also end up in a surface engagement, so it still adds some cost/benefit decisions to add them to your fleet. Also note that some cruisers have a much improved AA capability compared to any destroyer.

Regarding the submarines, since you only have markers on the table at the start of a carrier clash, there actually is no enemy ship visible on the table to limit your submarine deployment. The only limitation is for the other player. It cannot deploy sighted ships within 15cm of the submarine.

Game designer

"That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been;" -Ecclesiastes-

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habaya replied the topic: Carrier clash deployment of subs and LDB

4 years 9 months ago

Thanks for the clarification. You are right about the submarines - I forgot that deployment is different when there is scouting involved. Unfortunately, we skipped the scouting phase because there were quite a few important things we did not understand (like when do we actually start to move - do we move tokens?). I picked up some tips in the forums such as tokens do not move, but have to admit some details are still blurry. I've read that you are reworking scouting in 1.5 so we might just wait for the new developments.

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